
  • Family D..

    We are on the starting point with great regret! For an excellent stay passed in your company, for the reception, our very cordial reception… We will return there very quickly. Thank you with you all!

  • The C Family

    The lodging is superb, warm welcome, that to say moreover if not that the ears do not have any more importance at this stage. Cheer with Sebastien and his family, super sympathetic. So long, thank you for all.

  • Monique and Michael D.

    Thanks to the reception of Sebastien we with pleasure appreciated this lodging superbly arranged and decorated with class and user-friendliness. Congratulations and thanks with Mister and Madam de Torcy to have given the opportunity to us to find us in family, with our children and small children.

  • Family C

    Perfect conditions of stay, tallies enchanter, reception effective and pleasant, area extremely beautiful and rich in varied discoveries contributed to a stay which will leave us many memories. Thank you for these holidays.

  • Catherine and Peter

    Thank you for warm welcome and attentive in this superb lodging where we felt “on our premises” very quickly. The place is resting and will return we there to benefit from the Park of Marquenterre and the bay, which knows, perhaps also in winter and autumn where there we will not be surprised… to have the rain! See you soon again.

  • Family L/C.

    … under snow We spent one very pleasant moment in this lodging full with charm and elegance. When one knows a little the history of these places, one does not look at any more the field of the same eye. The improvements that you brought there are extraordinary. Thanks for making us divide a little your history. We will not fail to make known your lodging and of course the reception that we found there. We hope with very soon.

  • Family B. and M.

    Here a quite singular sheep-fold, where space and comfort reign. By the harmony of the places, by the discrete presence of our hosts and their close relations we have the impression to live in a privileged hamlet. Thank you! This site deserves to be known! One needed energy to conceive this beautiful renovation project, much of energy to maintain it so alive and you have allowed to us to benefit from it !

  • A band of Belgians in ramble

    It is lodgings whose ears encumber the pages of presentation whereas the fallow would be salutary for them! Keep you well to cut yours. On the contrary, continue to cultivate them same manner, they only ask to grow. If it were necessary to say it to you, you have in the person of your manager, a qualified collaborator and of quality. A special and friendly thought for Caroline, Nicolas and Antoine.

  • Family C.

    Monday it is the re-entry of the family in the big city and never it will not be found as well prepared. Each one will carry memories of a place where it makes good things in life very. Thanks to the reception full with heat of M. and Miss de Torcy relayed by Sebastien and his family… Thanks to hens which runs behind their cock, with the nice dogs which look at and the beauty of the flowers. Thanks to the very new and perfect equipment of a masonry refitted for the reception of one 4 stars. Thanks to the beautiful castle, our neighbor, his park and his kitchen garden, its wood, grazing grounds and dependences… We leave without too much regrets and while hoping to return.

  • Family R.

    One week it is short when it is well! We assessed the quality and the comfort of the installations. The reception by Sebastien and Mr. de Torcy is at the same time discrete and very effective. It is a hotel service of great quality! The site of the lodging is perfect with the crossroads of bay of Somme and Authie. We spent one week to vary the cultural activities and “sporting”. The richness of the tourist installations of the area will make you spend an excellent week. Cheer and thank you with all the team, I will not fail to send world to you to the first occasion.

  • Family P. and K . Moscow and Krasnodar – Russia

    We thank you for this possibility of spending three weeks pleasant in this place as much pretty and comfortable. We must say that the lodging and the garden are much more beautiful than on photographs with the Internet. For us (of the Russians) they was very pleasant to have in the lodging all the objects necessary for the comfortable life, calm and idle. We wish you to maintain this characteristic of your lodgings and to have many people who envy to rest here.